Friday, July 27, 2012


Just wanted to say, I'm on.  This should be a great way to communicate.

Bob M.

Friday, July 6, 2012

For Editors and Authors Working on the Fourth Edition

This communication space was created to facilitate collaboration and consensus concerning the content and structure of this new edition.

How to Sign Up:
  1. Open an email titled "You Have Been Invited to Contribute to Manual of Environmental Microbiology Forum."
  2. Click the link provided in the email to set up your account.
  3. Sign in to your account using your current Gmail account or create a Gmail account following the instructions provided.
  4. Confirm your profile.
    1. You will be given the choice to create your profile using Google+ or Blogger Profile. If you do not currently have a Google+ account, choose Blogger Profile.
    2. For those using the Blogger Profile, create your display name (this should just be your first and last name).
      1. Be sure to un-check the "Feature Announcement" box to avoid receiving advertisement emails from Google.
  5. You should now be taken to the blogger dashboard screen.

How to Create New Posts:

If you begin on the blog dashboard, you will see the Manual of Environmental Microbiology Forum listed at the top. To create a new post, click the orange pen icon beside the blog title.

If you begin on the blog home page (after signing in), to create a new post, click "New Post" located at the very top tool bar on the right.

When creating a new post, be sure to:
1. Add a title to the top.

2. Type the text of the message in the large white box in the middle of the screen.

3. Use the icons listed about the text box to change the text. The icons are very similar to what you would see in Microsoft Word. If you are unsure of what an icon does, hover over it with your cursor and a small pop-up box will appear with its description. Please note the appearance of the text while in the box may change slightly once the post is published.

4. After completing the text, label the content by clicking "Labels." The labels should describe the content in a few key words to make your article easy to find. Separate the labels with commas and click "Done" when finished.

5. When your post and labels are complete, click the orange "Publish" button at the top of the screen.

6. After publishing, you will be taken back to the blog dashboard. Once you publish a post you will always have the ability to edit, view, and delete the content. To do so, hover over the post title on the blog dashboard and click the options listed below.

How to Comment on a Post:
  1. Click on the title of the post you would like to respond to. This will take you to the post page.
  2. At the bottom of the page you will see all comments associated with the post. Underneath you will see a "Post a Comment" box.

    3.   Enter your comment into the box and click the "Publish" button when you are finished.

For questions or help with the forum, please contact Sarah Weisse at