General Methodology
- Culture-Based and Physiological Detection: Yoichi Kamagata
- General Introduction: Yoichi Kamagata
- Improved Solid (Media) Cultivation: Peter H. Janssen, Belinda C. Ferrari
- Dilution-to-Extinction Cultivation: Stephen J. Giovannoni, Jan-Cheon Cho
- Anerobic Cultivation: Kohei Nakamura, Yoichi Kamagata
- Detection of Specific Bacteria Based on Chromogenic Media: Mohammed Manafi
- In Situ Cultivation: Slava Epstein, Yoshiteru Aoi
- Microscopic Methods: Cleber Ouverney
- Introduction: Cleber Ouverney
- NANO-SIMS: Peter Weber, Jennifer Pett-Ridge
- Gold-FISH: Thilo Eickhost
- Autoradiography with FISH to Study Microbial Ecophysiology in Situ: Cleber Ouverney
- Target-Specific Detection: Doug Call
- Antibody-Based Biosensors and Immune-Microarray Technology: Cheryl Baird, Susan Varnum, Timothy Straub, Doug Call
- PCR, qPCR, Digital PCR, and Isothermal Amplification: Rachel Bartholomew
- Microarray and Bead-Coupled Detectors: Darrell Chandler
- Field Application of Detection Techologies: H. Nakaido
- The Microbiotas of Environments: Next-Generation Techniques: Stefan Green
- Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies: M.L. Metzker
- Metagenome and High-Throughput Sequencing for Microbial Detection: James Versalovic
- Linking Metagenome Data with Bioinformatics: Phillip Hugenholtz
- Large-Scale Feature Prediction and Feature Annotation and Comparison in Metagenomes: E. Glass, F. Meyer
- Evolving Standards in Metagenomics: D. Field, J. Gilbert, F. Meyer, N. Kyrpides
- Statistical Tools and Analysis for Environmental Studies: J. Vaun McArthur
- Statistical Thinking: J. Vaun McArthur
- Statistical Analysis: R. Cary Tuckfield
- Ecological Modeling:
- Modeling the Fate and Transport of Human Pathogens:
- QA/QC in Environmental Microbiology: Yildiz T. Chambers
- Introduction: Kevin Connell
- Bacteria: Ellen Braun-Howland
- Viruses: Rick Danielson
- Protozoa: Greg Sturbaum, George DiGiovanni
- Molecular Assays: Greg Sturbaum, George DiGiovanni
- Study Design: Robin K. Oshiro, Yildiz Chambers
- Sampling Methods: John Scott Meschke
- Air Sampling: Gedi Mainelis
- Water Sampling: Vince Hill
- Surface Sampling: Laura Rose, Matthew Arduino
- Soils Sampling: John Brooks
- Wastewater and Biosolids Sampling: John Scott Meschke
Environmental Public Health Microbiology
- Water: Gary Toranzos
- Waterborne Transmission of Infectious Agents: Sam Dorevitch (tentative)
- Microorganisms in Freshwaters: Julie Kinzelman (tentative)
- Microorganisms in Marine Waters: John Griffith (tentative)
- Detection of Pathogens in Sludges, etc.: Judy Blackbeard (tentative)
- Pathogens in Shellfish: Angelo de Paola (tentative)
- Control of Microorganisms in Source Waters: Christobel Ferguson (tentative)
- Assessing the Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment: Wesley Pipes (tentative)
- Toxic Photosynthetic Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Wesley Pipes (tentative)
- Air: Mark Buttner
- Introduction to Aerobiology: Paula Krauter
- Sampling for Airborne Microorganisms: Sergey A. Grinshpun, Mark P. Buttner, Klaus Willeke
- Analysis of Bioaerosol Samples: Patricia Cruz, Mark P. Buttner
- Fate and Transport of Microorganisms in Air: Gary S. Brown, Alan Jeff Mohr
- Airborne Fungi and Mycotoxins: Chin S. Yang, Eckardt Johanning, DeWei Li, Peter S. Thorne, Caroline Duchaine
- Legionellae and Legionnaires' Disease: Claressa Lucas, Barry S. Fields
- Airborne Viruses: Syed A. Satter, M. Khalid Ijaz
- Aerobiology of Agricultural Pathoges: Estelle Levetin
- Soil: Ed Topp
- Fate of Enteric Bacteria in Soils: Population Biology, Genetic Stability, and Exchange
- Fate of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Soils
- Natural Solid Reservoirs and Hosts for Human Pathogens; Distinguishing Soil-Adapted from Allochthonous Bacterial Populations
- Microbial Source Tracking: Valerie J(ody) Harwood
- MST: An Evolving Science: V.J. Harwood, Chick Hagedorn, Michael Sadowsky
- Validating MST Methods: Don Stoeckel, John Griffith
- Overview of Existing MST Methods Targeting Human Sources: Orin Shanks, Kate Field, Anicet Blanch, Jennifer Weidhaas, Jorge Santo Domingo
- Field Study Planning and Implementation: Julie Kinzelman, Warish Ahmed
- Microbial Risk Assessment: Nicholas Ashbolt
- Problem Formulation and the Risk Management Context: Nicholas Ashbolt (tentative)
- Exposure Characterization: Schoen & Ashbolt (tentative)
- Dose-Response Characterization: Haas (tentative)
- Risk Characterization, Interpretation, and Uncertainties: Rose (tentative)
Microbial Ecology
- Theory: Larry Forney
- Genome Evolution (Phylogenomics): Tal Dagan
- Evolutionary Ecology of Microbial Populations: Jay Lennon
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Bacterial Communities: Thomas Bell
- Theoretical Community Ecology: Zhansham (Sam) Ma
- Aquatic Environments: Bob Findlay
- The Microbial Ecology of Benthic Environments: Bob Findlay, Tom Battin
- Planktonic--Lakes, Oceans: J. Fuhrman
- Acquatic Biofilms: Development, Cultivation, Sampling, Analyses, and Applications: G. Wolfaardt, John Lawrence
- Soils, Phytosphere and Subsurface: G. Kowalchuk
- Phyllosphere: Julia Verholt
- Rhizosphere: Noel Frierer
- Soil Microbial Diversity and Function with Respect to Biogeography: Rob Griffiths
- Microbial Succession, Colonization, and Activity in the Phytosphere: G. Kowalchuk
- Extreme Environments: Brian Hedlund
- Life at High Temperature: Brian Hedlund
- Arctic/Antarctic Systems: Alisaon Murray, Henry Sun (tentative)
- Extremely Acidic Systems: Barrie Johnson
- Life in High-Salinity Environments: Aharon Oren
- Deep Subsurface: Mark Schrenck
- Ultraclean Rooms for Planetary Protection: Kasthuri Venkateswaran
- Extreme Aridity/Exobiology: Chris McKay
- Animal-Gut Microbiomes: J.R. Marchesi
- Invertebrate-Gut Associations: Daniele Daffonchio
- Human: Hauke Smidt, Paul W. O'Toole, J.R. Marchesi
- Animal Guts: Mark Morrison, Christ McSweeney, Richard Ellis, Liljana Petrovska
Bioremediation, Biotransformation, and Biofuels
- Biodegradation:
- Aromatic organics: Aerobic Biodegredation:
- Halogenated Organics: Anaerobic Biodegradation: Max Haggblom
- Microbial Electrochemical Technologies: Producing Electricity and Valuable Chemicals from Biodegredation of Waste Organic Matters: Tae-Ho Lee, Akihiro Okamoto, Sokhee Jung, Ryuhei Nakamura, Jung Rae Kim, Kazuya Watanabe, Kazuhito Hashimoto
- Biofuels from Algae:
- Appliation of Emerging Technologies in Biodegredation (Metagenomics, Proteomics, Stable Isotope Probing):
- Natural Polymers: Lignin, Cellulose, Keratin, Chitosan:
- Synthetic Polymers and Industrial Wastes: Dyes, Detergents, Plastics
- Pharmaceuticals: Biodegradation in Aquatic Systems
- Biotransformation: Chris Rensing
- Metal Transformation: Mercury: Tamar Barkay
- Metal Transformations Linked to Resistance Processes: Barry Rosen
- Breathing Metals and Use as Terminal Electron Acceptor: Tom DiChristina
- Metals for Energy Production: Derek Lovely
- Metals and Geochemical Cycling: Tim McDermott
- Metal Transformation at the Organic/Inorganic Interface: Jon Chorover
- Iron and Microbial Life--From the Beginning to the Present Day: Timothy Magnuson
- Restoration fo Metal(loid) Contaminated Soil: Timberley M. Roane
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